Wenten Greys Show Jumping for Charity
Wenton Greys Affiliated Charity Show Jumping event was held at Wenton Greys Stables in Summerveld, on the 27th & 28th April in aid of The Coastal Horse Care Unit.
This is the second year that Dr Richard Venniker, Laura Smith and their Team have held this event in aid of Horse Welfare.
The show was a great success with the support from sponsors such as: Scientific Sports Nutrition, Marriot, Equis Veterinary Practice, Industrial Scrap Metal, MSM, Thelwells Equestrian Centre, Penny Swart Concepts, Summerveld Veterinary Hospital, Dargle Poles and Treating, Hillcrest Private Hospital, Wenton Greys, SA Bio Medical & DN Photography and show jumping competitors who entered to make this day the huge success it was. Some riders came from as far as Pietermaritzburg, Pennington and Mount Edgecombe – which showed their commitment to such a good cause.
One of the highlights of the day was a parade of some of the CHCU rescued horses. People at the event commented that the work being done by the CHCU was great and they never knew that rescued horses could look so good. CHCU had pictures before when they were rescued and after rehabilitation, of some of the rescued horses.
Gill Olmesdahl chairperson of The Coastal Horse Care Unit, said that the atmosphere at the show was brilliant. It was so wonderful to see people involved in the sport giving so much back to help less fortunate horses. Gill was really moved that some of the prize winners even donated their prize money back to the CHCU. She said the parade of some of our rescued horses was well received, and her only hope is that these special rescued horses find forever homes and become future champions for their new adoptive owners. Gill said she hopes this annual event will continue to get the support from all involved in the sport.
You can visit the rescue farm in Cato Ridge on Wednesday, Friday and Saturdays from 9am -4pm
If you want to adopt a horse call Vanessa Beets 083 633 8986
If you would like to get more info or donate to this worthy cause you can donate online www.coastalhorsecareunit.org,za
Acc no. -62220717815
Branch Code -221526
Email Gill Olmesdahl – horsewelfare@telkomsa.net

In this picture are the Organisers and some of the Sponsors who made this event possible
From L-R:
Back Row – Garth Nortje from the Coastal Horse Care Unit.
Front Row – Gillian Olmesdahl (Manager / Chairperson of the Coastal Horse Care Unit), Sue Sadler (Sponsor of the Thelwells Equestrian Centre Precision & Speed PR 0.80m / PR 0.90M Class), Laura Smith (From the Kwa-Zulu Natal Horse Society), Dr Richard Venniker (Host of the Event and Owner of Wenton Greys), Alta Lightfoot and James Naysmith (Show Jumping Judge).

In this picture is Nicole Mc Gregor, jumping to Victory on her Pony – Sheza Dreamer, in the Summerveld Veterinary Hospital Championship PR 0.60m / PR 0.70m Class
Photo by DN Photography